What It Takes To Be A Great Leader

Energy 2 Engage

Do you know what it takes to be a great leader? There are certain skills, attributes, and levels of knowledge that are required to become an effective leader, whether this is a business leader, politician, activist, sports leader, or any other type. It is true that some people seem to be born to lead, but you should know that it is also possible to develop what is required to be a great leader. Developing leadership abilities can help you to improve in your role, create a stronger connection with your team and take your organization forward. Often, it can improve your life in many other ways as well. With this in mind, this post will look at what it takes to become a great leader.



First, a leader must have a vision. It is hard to find success as the captain of the ship if you do not know what direction you are heading in. No matter what kind of organization you are running, you need to have a vision and know what is required in order to take your organization to new levels of success. A great leader is one that has a vision for the future and can then steer the ship in the right direction while managing the day-to-day activities.


Ability To Motivate

One of the hardest parts of leadership is keeping your team motivated. Finding success in a business or any kind of organization is a team effort, but motivation levels will always rise and fall. Therefore, you need to know the best ways to motivate your team so that you can keep motivation levels high and avoid too many dips. In addition to knowing how to motivate an entire team, you also need to know what works for each individual team member as everyone is different. Using goal-setting in the short, medium, and long-term is highly effective and should help to ensure that everyone is moving in the right direction at all times.


Strong Communication Skills

It is impossible to be a good leader if you are not a strong communicator. Leadership requires constant communication both with those within the organization and those outside of it, so you need to know how to engage people, get your message across and build strong relationships. It is not easy to improve your communication skills, but if this is an area that you struggle with, then it is certainly worth the effort and will improve your life in many other ways. In addition to your communication skills, you should also make sure that you take pride in your appearance and know how to make a strong first impression on people.


Strong Listening Skills

Leading on from this, listening is one of the most overlooked but most important skills in leadership. A great leader is one that will go to their team and ask for their ideas, advice, questions, and support. They will then take all of this information on board to take the best course of action. This is effective because you are able to bring new ideas to the table and tackle issues from different angles. Not only this, but listening is important because this is how you make sure that your team feels important and valued, and it is helpful for building relationships.


Ability To Build Teams

You could be a leader that has all the skills and attributes, but if you do not have a strong team in place, then your organization will struggle. This is why a leader needs to know how to build a team for success and understand what roles need to be filled. In addition to filling roles, you also need to find people that will work well alongside one another so that you can create positive team chemistry and a team that will last. This is one of the hardest parts of leadership, especially when you are a small business or organization that might struggle to attract talent.


Be Approachable

It is also important that you are someone that is approachable. In order to find success as an organization, you want people in your team to feel that they can come to you when they have ideas, concerns, or questions. This is why many leaders employ an “open door” policy that encourages people within the team to share their thoughts and maintain communication. You certainly want to command respect as a leader, but you do not want to be someone that your team fears or feels that they cannot talk to.


Ability To Match Task To Strength

A good leader is one that knows the strengths and weaknesses of each team member. This allows you to then match the task to strength, which is helpful because it should ensure success with your projects while also allowing team members to feel important and that they are playing their part. It is also useful to help team members to work and improve on their weaknesses so that they can improve and progress in their careers.


Understanding Of Weaknesses

In addition to the above, you also need to know your own strengths and weaknesses. A good leader is one that is self-aware and will work on their weaknesses so that they can improve and become a better leader. You are likely to have a good idea of what your own weaknesses are, but it is also helpful to ask for feedback from others as there may be weaknesses that you are unaware of. This can be confronting, but this is also one of the best ways to improve and also helps to create a culture of self-improvement (more on this to come).


Willingness To Take Risks

One of the hardest parts of leadership is taking risks. In order to progress and achieve your goals, you are going to have to take a few risks along the way, and this can be daunting when you are the one that is at the helm. You will need to take calculated risks so that you can improve the chances of finding success, but also understand that mistakes will be made along the way. As the leader, you need to be the one that will shoulder the blame and accept the consequences. When the risk that you take pays off, it needs to be celebrated as a team effort – being humble is a vital attribute for a good leader.


Ability To Learn From Mistakes

Leading on from this, when mistakes are made, you must also use them as a chance to learn and improve. People often struggle to move on after a mistake and might dwell on it, but this can hold the entire organization back from success. Therefore, you need to reflect and learn what you can but then be able to put this behind you and get back on the horse.


Leadership Qualification

There are also qualifications that you can take that will help you to develop what it takes to become an effective leader. An online educational doctorate program in leadership will teach you everything that you need to know to become a strong leader in 2022, including how you can create transformational change, build and manage teams and lead in an ethical manner. Those that want to be the best possible leader that they can be and take their organization to new heights will benefit greatly from this course.


Commitment To Self Improvement

As mentioned before, you want to create a culture of self-improvement where everyone is always trying to improve and excel in their role. This all comes from the top, so you should commit to improving yourself so that you can set the right example while also becoming a better leader. Courses like the above will be one of the best ways to improve, but even smaller things like reading books, listening to podcasts, and spending time reflecting on your performance can make a difference.


Strong Work Ethic

As the leader of an organization, you need to have a strong work ethic. There is a huge amount of work involved in leading a team, and this needs to be something that you relish. Additionally, members of your team will look to you, so you want to be setting a good example and encourage others to work hard. A strong work ethic is important, but it is also vital that you understand the importance of breaks, taking time off, and recharging. It can be easy to burn out in leadership roles, so you need to know the signs of burnout and make sure that you are taking care of yourself. You need to encourage the same in your team and make sure that people have a good work-life balance.

This post should give you an idea of what it takes to become a great leader for any kind of organization. Leadership requires a lot, but you should also know that it is always possible to develop, learn and improve your abilities so that you can excel in the role.

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